Key Benefits of Content Management

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Tuesday 1 October, 2002

A concept diagram showing various information devices in a numbered list.

Organisational Benefits

  • Gain independence - you're not relying on someone else to run your business
  • Update content when you need to, not when someone else has time
  • Centralise storage of content
  • Standardise content delivery processes to establish consistency of quality
  • Respond quickly to customer demand
  • Global access for easy content changes


Technical Benefits

  • Separate content from presentation, allowing easy re-designing or modification of layout for
  • Easily deliver content to different channels, or personalise it for one-to-one customer contact
  • Quickly and cheaply build new web interfaces


Cost Benefits

  • Update content within your organisation, don't pay someone else
  • Accelerate development times and lower building costs by avoiding the need to create custom software
  • Lower the requirement for desktop-based content software
  • Lower the need to invest in specialised web development skills (either internally or via consultants)