Mitchell Shire Council Website

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A public information and services portal for a fast growing rural council.  

The Mitchell Shire Council home page.

The Challenge

Situated along one of the nation's most significant transport corridors that links the Australian eastern seaboard and its capital cities, Mitchell Shire is a fast growing council that encounters the challenges of both rural and city communities.

The challenge was to create a rich and accessible website that serves a community with diverse information and service demands ranging from up-to-the-minute bushfire information to online kindergarten applications and local area environmental management.

Highlighted Features

Noteworthy features of the site are:

  • W3C "AA" Level accessibility compliance, even within a richly presented visual design.
  • Distributed authorship of web pages. Each council department is responsible for administering its own section of the website, with publishing quality management being undertaken by the communications team.
  • Integration with Event Victoria's statewide events calendar.
  • Complex forms delivered by the cm3 Acora CMS Forms Manager module enable online transactions for the community, ranging from email subscriptions to kindergarten applications.
  • The Business & Community Services directory promotes commerce and community groups in the Shire.
  • The Walking Trails project provides an online experience of the area and gets people out there in the world, walking.